For this month all you have to do is to type in a GOOGLE search (or whatever your favorite
search engine is) for tapestry crochet and our interviewee's name will come up. It's not that she invented tapestry crochet,
but she's searched out various types of tapestry crochet in many countries and continues to redefine this latest craze of
an old art.
Of course, I'm talking about Carol Ventura. She's done TV interviews. You can find her on U-Tube.
She runs a Yahoo! group for tapestry crochet. You'll find many of her patterns in various crochet/craft magazines. She's used
thread and yarn of different types and one of her latest crazes is the addition of beads; both for embellishing her items
as well as to totally cover her craft product in beads of matching AND contrasting colors.
This woman is single-handedly (with some help from her friends) attempting to promote the art; not
only in this country but to whomever is willing to listen and learn. Beya's Backyard Crochet Club is one tool which will help
her to do that. Ms. Ventura has kindly allowed BBCC to print some of her patterns and web sites to help us to learn tapestry
crochet. I've asked that she start with a simple patten, so that even beginner crocheters can learn this art and work up to
some of Carol's more intricate patterns. Carol has kindly assented to do just that by starting us out with a cute little heart-themed
bag. Personally, I can't wait to get started on it.
We'll share those instructional web sites with you as well as the patterns that Carol will so kindly
be passing on to us, in fugure issues of BBCC. Though Carol is willing to give us a series of patterns and instructionals,
they will not be done in back-to-back issues. So, you'll have to either purchase a BBCC subscription or check back here
often, for updates, so as to not miss out.